
How are you all?
2002/06/13 [Thu] 21:16
Me? As usual! Now I may have said, "I'm not working during the World Cup!"
...well, still the hard working days! (LAUGH) I'm in the studio all the time!!
BUt to tell you the truth, I did pull off my way one day and went to Sapporo
to see Argentine vs England! I HAD to see this one!
I decided the moment the match was set! :-)
Now with this World Cup thing goni' on, I guess you're PAINFULLY getting to
understand why I LOVE soccer?(heehee) But it's only just begun!!
Let's have fun!!! Thanx bro!!
I'm locked in the studio every day with the secret recording,
but I'm beginning to work myself out!(laugh)
You all have to train, so you can get thru that 5 Days (heehee)
watch the video "80 min Riot as image-training, work out(laugh) and get ready!!

Let's make it a better one!!! And additional dates for the summer tour!!!
For the ones that missed out the 5 Days!
And for the brave brothers & sisters who says they didn't get enough!
To make this summer even hot!!! (laugh)
You all bring your friends yo & have fun! Let's burn out!!

Yo!! Yo!! Yo!! Big wave comin'!! Gonna ride it!!!!

時間 Sat Jun 15 23:01:04 2002

    創作者 hideto23 的頭像

    ♪Junk Story~松本依存症侯群♪

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